Design and Development of a Secure User Access Control for a Sensor Networks Middleware (for GSN project at EPFL)

During my internship at LSIR-EPFL a secure access control for a wireless sensor networks middleware called Global Sensor Networks or GSN (see GSN page at EPFL). My main tasks were the following:

  • Designed a discretionary access control system,
  • Implemented a secure Web application using Java Servlets and JSP. This Web application allows users to sign up, to login, to update their access rights, or to be a group member,
  • Used JavaScript and CSS for user interfaces,
  • Configured SSL/TLS ( including key pair and certificate generation) for the server,
  • Implemented the access control database on Oracle and MySQL platforms,
  • JDBC programming for the interface communicating between access control database and the Web application,
  • Wrote a Java API which covers all access control use cases,
  • Presented the work in 3rd GSN conference at SLF institute, July 2010, Davos, Switzerland
Behnaz Bostanipour
Behnaz Bostanipour
Computer Science Researcher
